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Mission, Motto, Philosophy, and Objectives


Mission Statement

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School is empowered by Gospel values to develop lifetime learners who are Christ-like in Serving, Caring and Becoming.


To act kindly, love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)


St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School embraces the key points of our mission: serving, caring, and becoming--with all things pointing to Christ. Our community of faculty and staff, parents, and students seeks to live the Gospel message in spiritual, academic, social, and physical areas. The School, while aiding parents in their responsibilities of educating their children, strives to guide the development of the whole child. Our goal is to help each child achieve his or her spiritual, academic, social, and physical potential in a safe learning environment. We seek to provide an open but guided culture which will enable students to excel as productive, Christ-like citizens.



1. To build respect for self and all God’s creation by promoting courtesy, co-operation, tolerance, and willingness to serve.

2. To help the students become responsible, productive citizens by involving them in community service.


3. To encourage students to develop positive self-concepts, to recognize their unique potential, and to use their God-given talents.

4. To provide educational opportunities to meet all students’ needs using developmentally appropriate methods.

5. To encourage communication and co-operation between the home, School, and community.


6. To form our students in the Catholic teachings by celebrating the presence of God in our life through daily prayer, school liturgies, and sacramental preparations.

7. To encourage continuous student growth and the development of skills in problem solving, decision-making, creative thinking, and communication.

8. To support the administration and faculty in their continued personal and professional growth in the areas of education and spirituality.